Theme Installation And Demo Import

1) Download the Akton theme by clicking on ‘All files & documentation’ of ‘Download’ button.

2) Login to your WordPress Admin Panel.

3) Click on Appearance -> Themes -> Add New.

4) Click on Upload Theme and choose the theme zip ‘’ file (Which you already got by downloading the full package) and click on ‘Install Now’ button.

5) Activate the Busia theme.



6) Click on ‘Activate all plugins’ button..


7) After successful plugin activation, click on ‘Click HERE to continue with Demo Import process.’.


8) Now, click on the ‘Install’ and ‘OK’ on the ‘Dialog Box’ to import the demo.


9) Now relax and import process will automatically finish and will show you progress on screen (via progress bar).


10) After successful Demo import you’ll be taken to your site’s home page. You have just one step to complete. Important One. Please don’t skip this. Go to the WordPress Admin -> Elementor -> Tools -> Regenerate CSS and you’re done.

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